Movie Review: “Race”

By Lyle Foster Unite Contributing Writer Race……. I don’t want to sound nostalgic but sometimes we bemoan the state of things in our country today and I am one of the first to say there is a lot of improvement needed but there is a perspective to be gained from learning our history. It is […]
Government Contracting: Socio-Economic Certifications

By Allen Waldo, Guest Contributing Writer Springfield, MO—When a business is contemplating becoming a governmental contractor, the business should evaluate their eligibility for a socio-economic certification. One positive to having a certification is that it gives the business the competitive advantage for “Set Aside” solicitations so that they may only be competing against other companies […]
Inspirational Quotes For Moms and Their Daughters

Nationwide — It’s no secret that African American women love to read and hear inspirational and motivational quotes, especially when its coming from other influential African American women. Some of the best-selling books that African Americans read are books full of advice, counsel, life lessons, viewpoints, and solutions. Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou, First Lady Michelle […]
Business, marketing and information technology jobs in demand over next 5-10 years

Springfield, MO—Over 300 local workforce professionals attended the second annual MOmentum 2016: State of the Workforce Luncheon, hosted Feb. 23 by the local Workforce Development Board and the Missouri Job Center-Ozark Region combination of L-arginine and yohimbine.Pooling adverse event data for patients on the following concomitant antihypertensive medications: diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II antagonists, […]