Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative

Springfield, MO
6:01 am8:17 pm CDT
Feels like: 86°F
Wind: 5mph W
Humidity: 44%
Pressure: 29.84"Hg
UV index: 2
7 pm8 pm9 pm10 pm11 pm
88°F / 66°F
88°F / 68°F
88°F / 63°F
73°F / 55°F
79°F / 63°F

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What’s the Difference and Which Do I Need to Build?

Whether you are a hiring manager determined to build a winning team or a job-seeker searching for the perfect career, you need to know the difference between hard skills and soft skills. The relative importance of hard skills vs. soft skills can vary between industries and positions. So how do they differ? Hard skills are […]

Do You Need Fitness Motivation? Follow These 5 Black Influencers

Every year, folks create ambitious fitness goals. Gyms become crowded, but they become ghost towns when February hits. Our enthusiasm starts to wane, and we are tempted to give up. We know how frustrating it can be to set and not achieve a goal. But sometimes, finding some inspiration can help. We’ve compiled a list […]