Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative

Springfield, MO
6:02 am8:16 pm CDT
Feels like: 63°F
Wind: 1mph E
Humidity: 99%
Pressure: 29.79"Hg
UV index: 0
6 am7 am8 am9 am10 am
84°F / 61°F
86°F / 66°F
88°F / 70°F
86°F / 63°F
77°F / 59°F

Is Type 2 Diabetes Manageable? Dispelling the Myths

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic, lifelong condition that is often misunderstood. It accounts for the majority of diabetes cases in the United States. It is commonly associated with poor outcomes and long-term complications. While there are many misconceptions and fears associated with type 2 diabetes, the good news is that it is manageable. If […]

How to Build a Backyard Meditation Labyrinth for a Reprieve from Daily Stress

Imagine stepping into your backyard to find the perfect reprieve from the daily stress of work and life. Since the pandemic, backyards have become the go-to spot for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation as more homeowners install spa-like amenities including hot tubs, plunge pools, yoga platforms and meditation gardens. One of the most unique relaxation tools […]