Why Is Empathy Important and How Can You Improve It?

In simple terms, empathy is putting yourself in another’s shoes to better understand what they’re feeling. Having empathy can make you a more effective communicator and help you build stronger relationships. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of empathy and understanding the perspectives of others, and offer tips on how to become more empathetic. […]
The 7 Biggest Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Your 50s

Some Americans move into a peak earning decade during their 50s. However, greater earnings don’t necessarily translate to financial security. People in their 50s are facing financial headwinds that include higher costs of living, rising debt, the disappearance of pension funds and an increased reliance on Social Security. A 2019 study from the Center for […]
10 Best Financial Management Tools for Personal and Professional Use

Managing your business and personal finances can be a headache. With so many different options out there, choosing the best one can feel overwhelming. We’ve put together a list of the best financial management tools for both personal and professional use. Personal financial needs are often a little different from those of a business. Professional […]
8 Niche Careers You Didn’t Even Know Existed

“So, what do you do?” It’s a question we’ve all been asked on long plane rides and at awkward cocktail parties. Sometimes, the answers are quite boring and vague. But for those with niche careers, they are unlikely to ever meet someone else in their field, and they’ve become some of the only experts in […]