How to Build Resilience in the Workplace

Resilience is often attributed to people who survive catastrophic events or manage extreme illnesses or other difficult situations. However, having resilience in the workplace can help you cope with stress, perform at your best and face challenges with confidence and poise. Building resilience at work takes practice, but it can be an excellent way to […]
8 Ways to Mindfully Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Maximum Exposure

Self-promotion doesn’t come naturally to all of us—especially if you’re an introvert or have had the virtue of modesty drummed into you since childhood. Yet making the most of casual connections is crucial to networking and success. New research published in Scientific American expands upon one of the most cited research papers about the power […]
How to Give Effective Employee Feedback

Each professional journey will look a little different, but today, we’ll discuss an integral part of any professional journey—giving and receiving employee and leader feedback. Feedback, when delivered correctly, can be one of the most powerful tools for growth. It helps us understand our strengths, highlights areas for improvement, and guides us toward our professional […]