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The Surprising Benefits of ‘That’s Not My Job’ in the Modern Workplace

“That’s not my job” has been a banned phrase in many workplaces, as companies tout the “all on the same team” mindset. Yet Harvard Business Review cites “workload” as one of the top six causes of burnout and emphasizes the importance of balancing rest, relaxation and workload as the key to workplace success.  Setting work […]

Want to sleep well? Fix these 8 morning habits

When we think about sleep-related habits, typically bedtime routines come to mind, not the morning rush. And while it’s true that evening sleep hygiene can set us up for either success or failure, the habits we have earlier in the day can also have an impact on how refreshed we feel upon waking. If you want to […]

40 Consistency Quotes to Help Kickstart Your Future

We’ve all heard the quote, “Consistency is key,” but, in reality, maintaining consistency is, ironically, a little hard to do. Whether it’s struggling to plan effectively, failing to implement long-term goals, or unsuccessfully keeping up with day-to-day tasks, inconsistency is a boldly unapologetic reminder of how we keep getting in the way of our own […]