Why Working at a Cemetery Was the Best Career Move I Ever Made

It’s easy to feel like every job you take needs to somehow advance your career in a meaningful, direct way, but there’s something to be said for the “weird job.” You know the one. The type of job that leaves you with a thousand good stories and inspires just as many follow-up questions. According to […]
What Every Business Can Learn From the Cruise Industry Comeback

While countless sectors battle economic turbulence, the maritime vacation industry has engineered a stunning revival. The proof lies in the statistics: Maritime leisure bookings during the first quarter of 2024 surpassed 2019 levels by 16%, with the sector setting spending records on nine separate occasions in 2024, according to the Mastercard Economics Institute. This renaissance […]
How to ‘Invest Like a Girl’

Jessica Spangler, Pharm. D., started making clever money literacy videos during COVID-19’s delta wave in 2021. She was working as a pharmacist in the emergency room of a New England hospital, and during rounds, patients would say to her, “If I make it out of here, I have no idea how I’m going to afford […]