‘Bait and switch’: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries calls out Republicans for breaking promise to lower costs

House of Representatives Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., blasted Republicans for not keeping their promise to voters who elected President Donald Trump and gave his party full control of Congress to address the high cost of living. During a House floor speech on Monday, Congressman Jeffries chastised his GOP colleagues for not focusing their […]
How to Develop Effective Leadership Qualities & Become An Inspiring Leader

Whether at home or in the workplace, leaders aim to help those around them achieve more than they could alone. Part of becoming a more effective leader is continuously developing to grow yourself and your team. If that sounds daunting, don’t worry. There are a number of tried-and-true strategies and tactics you can start implementing […]
“When One Door Closes, One Door Opens” Quotes for a Positive Outlook

Life throws lemons at us in myriad ways. Failing an exam at school, being let down by a dream college or employer, losing a precious relationship—the list never ends. Such difficulties might feel like doors closing in your face, leaving you stuck and lost. During such moments, it often helps to turn your attention to […]
What to know about proposals to ban abortion pills and punish women who seek abortion

Lawmakers in some states where abortion is already banned are seeking to explicitly bar abortion pills or take a step that most leading anti-abortion groups oppose: punish women who seek to end their pregnancies. It’s too early in some legislative sessions to know whether the measures will get serious consideration. But it does show that […]
AI Has 89% of U.S. Workers Concerned About Their Job Security

While AI has improved countless aspects of our modern everyday life, its growing presence in professional industries has ignited fears about automation’s long-term impact on human employment. “Job security is no longer an abstract concern,” says career expert Keith Spencer in a newly released 2025 AI Disruption Report from Resume Now, which contains some alarming […]