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7th Annual Unity on Division Street is Oct 7

Springfield, MO—  The 7th annual Unity on Division gathering is coming up! Come by Smith Park on October 7th for live music, hot food, games for the kids, and special presentations from our local ministers.

The Unity on Division project started in 2013 with the guiding question: “Why do people of God find it so hard to Unite?” Steve Williams, owner of Crosstown Barbeque and one of the event’s organizers said “God uses me to bring people face-to-face, so we can bring each other heart-to-heart. We’re afraid to love each other based on how we’ve hurt each other in the past. God breaks down that fear.”

Unity on Division is looking to make real changes in the community. Division Street is ripe with historical significance. “The City was separated in the 1800s, with Commercial Street being the downtown of what was ‘Moon City’ (North Springfield), and the square being the downtown of what was, at the time, Springfield,” Steve says. “The street is a visual symbol of what divides us to this day. People are so quick to separate themselves from others based on racial, denominational, and economic conditions. Through this event, Freshwater Church seeks to raise the idea of unity in the name of Jesus.”

“We want to be able to change the name ‘Division Street,’ to ‘Unity Street,’” Steve says, “It would be a start of breaking down the barrier of what divides the city. We’ve talked to the city council, and they said the cost was too high. This year, we’re asking people to make a monetary pledge to help offset that cost.”

Unity on Division is held on October 7th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., in Smith Park, on Division Street. Bring your own lawn chair. The event is free to the public, and all are welcome!

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