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Back-To-School: Starting School with a Positive Attitude

Time really flies when you are having fun! The first day back to school is August 19, 2024. Ready, set, let’s go! However, there will be some needed adjustments to be made after a summer of staying up late, leisure time, and fun in the hot summertime. Yes, it is time to readjust your student’s schedule and get them back into the swing of the academic world. Your student might be feeling nervous about the first day of school or have some anxieties about starting a new grade but reassure them that you will be there to help them through those anxious moments.

Help them focus on the positive things about going back to school such as hanging out with friends, making new friends, and getting involved in sports or other extracurricular activities. Talk to them about their fears and things that worry them like being bullied or not being able to make friends. It is also important as a parent to make time at the end of the school day to check in with your student about how their day went.

Helping your student have a positive attitude towards back to school is very important and can promote greater academic success. Positive reinforcement is a great technique to help your student sculpt an enthusiastic attitude towards school. Offering verbal praise and recognition for good grades and trying their best helps your child create a connection between academic effort and desirable outcomes. Not only should this improve their attitude towards school, but help them put forth their maximum effort! If your child has struggled academically in the past, start the school year by seeking interventions that will ensure their success. Talk to their teacher and be an active part of your child’s education.

Be sure to follow these few simple tips:
• Stay Organized with a School Calendar
• Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine
• Beat the Rush with Early Back-to-School Shopping
• Openly Talk to Your Student About Homework
• Set Academic Goals for Success
• Always Ask for Help When Needed
• If Back to School Supplies are needed Check with your School Counselor for Help

Welcome back! Springfield Public Schools and the Office of Student Access and Opportunity are looking forward to this school year being a rewarding experience for you and your student; having fun as they learn.

By Gwen Marshall
UniteNews Contributing Writer

Upcoming Events:
August 19th, 2024 – First day of school
August 21, 2024 – First day of school for Wonder Years & Early Childhood SPED

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