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Back-To-School Study Tips

by Gwen Marshall,

UniteNews Contributing Writer


Springfield, MO—The back-to-school season is in full swing, and adjusting to a new academic year after a summer of sunshine and fun can be tough. But, now it is time to get down to the business of managing classes, family, in some cases a work schedule, social life, and hopefully eight hours of sleep.  It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?

Well, a new school year is the perfect time to get a fresh outlook on how to be prepared for whatever comes your way this year. It is important to have a game plan which will make it easier to navigate your daily activities and decrease your stress level which will help you start your school year on the right foot.

To help you, here are some back-to-school study tips recommended by Candace Kassman with UPchieve:

  • Set A Study Routine

Find a time to do your homework and study that suits you best and fits in with your schedule (even if it is late at night or early in the morning). Some students prefer to come home from school and get straight into homework while the day’s classes are still fresh.

  • Get Organized Early

Staying organized is a vital way of keeping on top of your workload. Having a physical or downloaded planner is a great way of keeping track of upcoming school projects and social events so that you can do it all.

  • Sleep Schedule

Your student can easily find themselves staying up late to study but late-night cramming sessions are not the most effective way of improving their academic performance and concentration. However, getting the recommended amount of sleep which for adolescents (13-18 years old) is between 8-10 hours every 24 hours, can improve mental health and productivity.

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If your student finds themselves falling behind, confused about a new topic in class, or if their last test grade wasn’t quite what they had hoped, encourage them to find a time to speak with their teachers about their concerns.  If they are struggling, or need extra support, tutoring may be a good option.

  • Break Down Large Projects into Smaller Chunks

When staring at a full schedule it can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to begin. Breaking longer projects down into smaller chunks and tackling them over the course of a few days can make that important project feel so much more achievable.

  • Limit Screen Time

In a world of technology, it is all too easy to be distracted by any number of devices and social media platforms. Restrictions on devices can be a great way of maintaining focus and curbing procrastination. This can be achieved by simply turning off your phone or leaving it in another room, or even by setting time limits. Social media and most mobile apps bombard your brain with stimulation, making it harder to retain the information you just worked so hard to learn.

  • Diet

The foods and drinks that we put into our bodies can have a bigger effect on the performance of our minds and bodies than you might expect. Making sure that you have a balanced diet, and eat regularly, is vital for keeping up concentration and efficacy.

  • Study Regularly and Often

Try and spread out studying over the whole year in bite-size chunks that can be easily managed on a daily basis. This will quickly become a part of a daily routine and help you effortlessly keep on top of your workload.

“The hardest part is starting. Once you get that out of the way, you’ll find the rest of the journey much easier.”

— Simon Sinek, author and inspirational speaker

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