Editor’s note: The following article is an op-ed, and the views expressed are the author’s own. Read more opinions on theGrio.
This recap also contains *major* spoilers.
Y’all are going to have to excuse me. You see, I didn’t realize that Amazon Prime was dropping two episodes at a time since, ya know, I kinda sorta didn’t watch the season premiere though, hmm, traditional channels. It’s all legal, mind you; I get screeners so I didn’t know each week was bringing us two episodes. So if you can’t find the recap for episode 2, well, that’s because I didn’t write it (yet). With that said, we’re going to hop right on into episodes 3 (and 4) since that’s where we are in Black America, and after the week(s) we’ve been having in America, we need all of the distractions available.
So, Camille decided to keep her baby; if you recall, Camille discovered she was pregnant after believing that was an impossibility. At the same time, we saw that Ian and his new boo, bestie Portia, were also in the family planning stage. Whew, chile; the ghetto.
Well, this episode finds Camille and Ian in the acceptance portion of their new reality, and that reality for Camille has slapped her right in the face. You may recall that Camille just left Columbia University for the life of an author which means that she no longer has health insurance. She’s up in the doctor’s office finding out just how expensive it can be to have a child without insurance.
This leads to her and Ian having an awkward convo where he divulges that he and Portia are considering their own little nuclear family. He’s quite the gem; his inability to read the room is wiiiiiild. As you can imagine, his lack of communication is top-level trash, and that sends Camille into DoThisMyselfsVille. We’ll get back to Camille and Ian in a few since the rest of these ladies’ stories are more…normal.
Angie and Mike are looking for wedding venues and there is a sincere disconnect between the two of them. Angie seems to be only thinking about the biggest possible venues available and not listening to Mike who, for whatever reason, would like a smaller, more intimate venue. Angie makes one of those decisions that you KNOW is going to lead to a convo: she books an expensive, huge venue without talking to him and that leads to talk the clearly need to have. As it turns out, his family isn’t close and he doesn’t want a wedding where the entire guest list is her side of the family and friends; that possible reminder that his family doesn’t care about him is legit and I feel for him. I was looking at bruh sideways but I understand him better now; I think the haircut throws me off.
Quinn and Seth are doing their no-strings-attached thing, and Quinn’s styling of Seth has put her on the New York City stylist map, or so she thinks. Apparently Seth’s former stylist is hot and decided to share on social media that Quinn snaked her client. Quinn is classy so she addresses with style and grace and deads the potential dustup. She, of course, drops Seth as her client but she and Seth acknowledge they have some feelings and well, they’re going to see how it goes.
Tye and her boo Eva are exploring their desire for one another though Tye is holding fast to her celibacy pledge. But their chemistry is remarkable and we all know where this is going. Plus, Eva is making Tye deal with some of her issues so they can be the best versions of one another for each other. Tye and Eva are right for one another and well, I am rooting for them. Plus, I really like Eva’s demeanor; she keeps it real.
Back to Camille and Ian since that’s what matters most here. Camille goes to her publisher for an additional advance on her book and is hit with the Heisman. She has turned in three chapters so far and the editor tells her that when you send in the rest, you get more money. This leads to Ian and Camille having a convo where he apologizes for his lack of transparency with her and assures her that he has her back, financially and with his presence. Well, according to the super expensive blood test Camille had to get, it turns out that they are having a baby girl. The two of them bask in that future with joy. Awwwwwww! It’s a touching moment and a nice way to end episode 3.
Up in Harlem.

Panama Jackson is a columnist at theGrio and host of the award-winning podcast, “Dear Culture” on theGrio Black Podcast Network. He writes very Black things, drinks very brown liquors, and is pretty fly for a light guy. His biggest accomplishment to date coincides with his Blackest accomplishment to date in that he received a phone call from Oprah Winfrey after she read one of his pieces (biggest) but he didn’t answer the phone because the caller ID said “Unknown” (Blackest).