When I found out that Megan Thee Stallion would be performing at the Kamala Harris rally in Atlanta, my mind immediately went to the question of what qualifies as business attire for Meg?
After finding out, nodding in approval and watching her perform radio edit versions of some of her hits like “Savage” and “Body” in between asking the crowd to give it up for “Ms. Harris” in her delightful Houston twang, I found it to be a job well done by all parties involved.
Judging by the various clips of rally attendees floating around the internet and the jokes cracked on social media, it appears folks from all demos approved the event as well.
But there were others loudly protesting Megan clapping cheeks for democracy.
Critics included producer Boi-1da, who posted on Twitter: “Twerking at a Presidential Rally is insane.” dismissing Kamala Harris as “Panderson Pac” in a followup tweet.
I should note that man is Canadian, and in the year of our Kendrick, his opinions are dismissed outright.
Sharing in this opinion, however, was former NFL star Dez Bryant, who also took to Elon’s hellscape to opine in response to one poster’s complaints about some dismissing the rally as “ghetto.”
“I think it’s a slap in the face to black people who fight for our voice in America.,” he wrote. “The crowd looked uncomfortable… Have some integrity…Twerking at a rally is wrong… We’ll never be taken seriously..”
Bryant was then reminded of his own history of assault allegations and sexist tweets yet like many a man of that genre online, nevertheless, he tried to tweet through it.
But then there were others piling on this sentiment, including Hollywood Unlock’s Jason Lee, who said: “I love Kamala Harris but having Meg Thee Stallion twerking at a rally is as performative as Trump having rappers at a rally. Both are not connected to the black vote and will never equate to making politics ‘cool.’
I find this obsession with pandering to be pointless given all politicians pander to voters — some are just far better and more natural at it than others. There’s also something to be said for not cynically viewing every attempt at outreach through the lens of pandering. Maybe Ms. Harris is a Hottie?
And with all due respect to my fellow Americans, what country do y’all think we live in?
Donald Trump, a deranged entertainer of questionable literacy and cognitive ability, has amassed one of the most powerful political movements in American history without even understanding the basic functions of government.
Trump, who basically just campaigns like a racist professional wrestler (a heel, to be specific) with comedic timing would not still be favored to win the next presidential election at the present moment.
We don’t have serious policy debates in American politics, and when we do, they’re not typically at a political rally.
Yes, a rally, which many of Meg and company’s critics seem to miss.
While some policy positions may be discussed during a speech given by a candidate at a political rally, a rally is by and large designed to stoke enthusiasm (as well as gain data from voters).
This includes performances by entertainers, and Megan was an ideal choice for a rally in the state of Georgia.
Say with you will about Megan Thee Stallion, but she is an entertainer who has repeatedly spoken out on issues.
Is she not the same person who used to tweet about climate change to the point she organized beach cleanups? Has she not spoken out about mental health, reproductive rights and gun violence?
Meg was also a quality choice given the Harris’ campaign’s efforts to reach younger voters, who prior to President Joe Biden dropping out, were lacking in enthusiasm about this election.
Such efforts appear to be working according to Bloomberg, which says, “The Harris campaign’s TikTok account — previously Biden’s — has seen its follower count jump from 440,000 to more than 2.7 million since Biden dropped out. Harris also launched her own personal account, which has garnered roughly 3.6 million followers.”
I am now officially in the old head voting category but those Meg-related tweets from the Kamala rally are indeed in my TikTok algorithm.
In sum, a popular rapper with a known political bent performed at a rally in her version of business attire —which looked adorable — helped make the rally a joyful affair while generating a massive amount of free media and social media content.
The people who consider this a bad thing are operating from a faux puritanical mindset of what is and isn’t appropriate at purported “serious events.”
Unfortunately, some people turn into their judgmental parents or grandparents, but that is a personal problem.
As for others, no matter the excuse they provide, it feels like it has more to do with just Megan Thee Stallion herself.
No matter what she does, some people — men and women alike — will pick at her.
She might be used to it by now, but it will always annoy me because Meg doesn’t do anything but be herself wherever she is invited, and when she can, tries to do the right thing.
This was her way, and she was great at it.
I hope the Harris campaign keeps inviting her and others to twerk for its cause if it so chooses, and if anyone is bothered by it, they can go turn on C-SPAN.

Michael Arceneaux is the New York Times bestselling author of “I Can’t Date Jesus, I Don’t Want To Die Poor,” and his latest essay collection, “I Finally Bought Some Jordans.”