Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative

March into Spring with These Great Library Programs

The Springfield-Greene County Library District is excited to offer these educational programs in March. We hope you can join us.

iPhone Class for Seniors

If you would like to get more out of your iPhone or iPad, join us for free classes taught by veteran instructor Julie Mahaffey. This is a six-part series that covers different topics at each session. Sessions will be on from 10 a.m.-noon on Thursdays, March 13 and 20, April 10 and 24 and May 8 and 22 at the Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library.

Spring Book Buzz

The Library has all of your spring reading list needs covered! Join your local librarians as they share the buzz about new and upcoming titles, and snag some swag and Advance Reader Copies to add to your TBR (to be read) pile. Join us on Thursday, March 13, at 7 p.m. at 4 By 4 Brewing Company, 2811 E. Galloway St., Suite A.

Thinking Money for Kids: Adopt a Pet

Learn how to budget for pet expenses through our imaginary pet adoption program. Families will work together to allocate funds for pretend toys, food and more while discovering the financial responsibilities of pet ownership. Plus, meet our dog friend from Pet Therapy of the Ozarks. For ages 5-12. Registration is required and starts February 21; please call 417-616-0526. Sessions will be in the Library Center’s Story Hour room.

Homeschool Edition: Friday, March 7, at 2 p.m. for ages 5-12.
Saturday Session for all: Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m.-noon.
Thinking Money for Kids is an initiative of the American Library Association and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation

Kid Librarian Initiative

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a librarian? Students ages 10-13 can apply to be a kid Librarian for a week at the Schweitzer Brentwood Branch. Create your own book display, explore behind-the-scenes library work and ask questions about what we do. Pick up an application at the Youth Services desk at Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library beginning March 15.


For more information on these and other great programs, visit Vickie Hicks is the community relations director of the Springfield-Greene County Library District. She can be reached at

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