Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative

September is Full of Great Events at the Library

Check out the Symphony – The Springfield Symphony and the Springfield-Greene County Library have partnered to offer patrons a limited number of free symphony tickets. Tickets are for the Musgrave Community Balcony at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts on a first-come, first-serve basis. No reservations are allowed. Tickets are limited to four per household per season. Tickets are available at The Library Center, Library Station and Schweitzer and will be available on the 15th of every month for the next performance. You must have a valid adult library card. All performances start at 7:30 p.m.

Cozy up with new reads from the Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale, running September 11-15 at the E*Plex, Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, 3001 N. Grant Ave. Admission and parking are free. Adults, young adults, children’s books and most audiovisuals are $1 or less. Better books are priced at $2 and up.

Sale hours are Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday, Half Price Day, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, Bag Day, 1-5 p.m. The Friends of the Library only accept cash or checks, and there is no tax. Bring a bag or two to take your treasures home. Proceeds from the Friends’ book sales benefit the Springfield-Greene County Library District.

Learn Heirloom Seed Saving Basics on Saturday, September 21 at 10 a.m. at the Midtown Community Garden, 1471 N Benton Ave. Learn how to harvest and save pea, bean and tomato seeds from your garden in this hands-on seed-saving demonstration. Space is limited. Provided in partnership with the Springfield Community Gardens. Registration is required: visit the or call 417-862-0135

Bring the whole family (kids ages 5-12) for a Guided Nature Walk on Saturday, September 21, 10:30 a.m.-noon at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield, 5242 S. State Highway ZZ, Republic. Enjoy a walk through Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield with library staff and staff from the reserve. Along the way, we’ll learn and discover new things and relax afterward with stories from library staff. Meet at Stop 3 on the tour trail. Provided in partnership with Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield.

Join us for Cherokee Stories of Animals and the Moon on Sunday, September 29, at 2 p.m. in the Library Center auditorium for ages 4 and older. Kituwah Cherokee Storyteller Choogie Kingfisher will share the childhood stories of the Cherokee people. The event is sponsored by the Library Foundation.

For more information on these and other great programs, visit Vickie Hicks is the community relations director of the Springfield-Greene County Library District. She can be reached at

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