Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative

Author: Unite News

Psychology of Consumer Spending

This article serves as a gentle reminder to be mindful of potential overspending triggers during the upcoming shopping and holiday seasons. While numerous factors influence consumer spending habits, they all have their roots in human psychology. From the allure of discounts to the thrill of impulse purchases, understanding the underlying

Finding growth opportunities for your business

When efactory opened in 2013, we pulled together area resources that could fill niches for small business owners, and we made many of their services available in our business suite at 405 N. Jefferson Ave. This includes: GOCAPS Multicultural Business Association Missouri Enterprise Missouri Department of Economic Development APEX Accelerators


This election season, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on our state! Black Missourians are under attack from their government, and only by showing up can we push back. Last year, we saw legislation aimed at undoing protections from the federal Civil Rights Act and making non-discrimination

Celebrity Black women are the costume queens of Halloween

It is officially Halloween, and many folks’ favorite pastime has finally commenced: judging celebrity Halloween costumes. And this year, celebrities, especially Black women, have really taken it up a notch. For starters, we could easily call it “Halle-ween,” as there have already been multiple homages to Halle Berry’s most famous

Fall into Fun: November Activities at the Library

Make plans to attend these great programs at your library. Boots to Business Reboot Have you ever dreamed of owning and operating your own business? Join us from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, in the Library Center auditorium.   Learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur along

Fall Back Into Reading

As we turn back the clocks on November 3, and look forward to the Winter months, let’s reflect upon the value of reading. It has been said “Reading today…Leads to Leaders tomorrow.” D.E.A.R., which stands for “Drop Everything and Read,” is a national celebration of reading designed to remind families

It feels like a cyberattack, but it wasn’t.

On July 19, 2024, many airports stood still, unable to process the demands on their computer systems, which were not operable—not at all.  Car rental agencies and other companies that use Microsoft’s operating system and another program to run their businesses faced a similar problem.  Affected companies all used CrowdStrike’s

Protecting Your Health and Wellness During Political Turmoil

As the upcoming election approaches, many of us are bracing for what promises to be a contentious and emotionally charged time. Racial tensions, uncertainty, and constant news coverage can lead to a heightened sense of stress and anxiety. For many, election-related stress isn’t about feelings; understanding how mental stress during