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Author: Unite News

Meet the First Woman To Receive a 4-Year College Football Scholarship

*Originally Published By  Nationwide — Antoinette “Toni” Harris, a 22-year old Black woman, is the first woman ever to attend college on a full football scholarship. She has overcome challenges brought about by her gender, build, what other people say, and even a fatal illness she was diagnosed with.

Quavo Sinks His Teeth Into A ‘$100K Glizzy’ In France

C’est délicieux! Former Migos member Quavo was recently in France, and while there, he dined on a very expensive meal. Quavo, born Quavious Keyate Marshall, took several bites out of a supposedly six-figure delicacy–though Americans might beg to differ. Quavo took a bite out of what he described as a

Black Menswear Gathers Over 250 Black Men In Empowering FlashMob In Dallas

In a powerful display of unity and style, over 250 Black men gathered at the American Airlines Center Plaza Sept. 23 to participate in a gathering dubbed FlashMob and orchestrated by Dallas-based Black Menswear. This cultural impact agency connects global brands with African American men, and this event was more

Taco Bell Customer Shoots Employee In Dispute Over Change

A dispute over the amount of change given to a Taco Bell customer in North Carolina has led to the worker at the fast-food restaurant being shot. According to Fox Business, the fast-food worker has been hospitalized with “life-threatening injuries” after the incident around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 30.

Maryland Town Elects Its First Black Lawmakers In 200 Years

On Oct. 3, Federalsburg, Maryland, swore in its first Black lawmakers in the town’s 200-year history. Last month, Brandy James and Darlene Hammond, both Black, were elected as council women to represent District 1. For James, politics is a family affair. Her father, Rev. Charles T. Cephas, Sr., was elected as

Morgan State University Latest HBCU Impacted By Shooting

An active shooter is on Morgan State University campus, Baltimore police confirmed. According to WBAL-TV, four students have sustained non-threatening gunshot wounds.  Authorities are urging people to avoid campus areas around “Thurgood Marshall Hall and the Murphy Fine Arts Center,” and to stay put in a protected area while police evacuate

Black Mom Gets All Three Daughters Enrolled Into College Before They Turned 15

Originally Published By Nationwide — Melissa Williams, a 42-year-old African American mother from San Antonio, Texas, has successfully enrolled her three daughters as college students before they even turned 15 years old. They are attending Miles College, which is an HBCU, and they’ve all earned scholarships along the way.