Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative


Intentional Inclusion Was The Topic At The 7th Annual MIB Awards Banquet

Springfield, MO— The 7th annual Minorities In Business Heritage Award Ceremony was held March 16th at the Doubletree Hotel. There were about 160 in attendance. A formal dinner was served, while smooth jazz music was performed by The Arthur Duncan Trio who set an elegant mood for the evening. Executive

Springfield NAACP collaborates with Unite News Publication to help local families

Springfield, MO— Cheryl Clay, President, NAACP Springfield Branch, and Samuel Knox, Co-founder and Managing Editor of Unite News Publication, are pleased to announce their new partnership, the “Be A Jewel” campaign, a corporate fundraising opportunity designed to assist the underserved in our community, with an emphasis on grandparents raising their

The Black Community and Crime

Walter E. Williams, Jan 11, 2017 The FBI reported that the total number of homicides in 2015 was 15,696. Blacks were about 52 percent of homicide victims. That means about 8,100 black lives were ended violently, and over 90 percent of the time, the perpetrator was another black. Listening to

$20,000 Needed to build fence around Lincoln Cemetery

Springfield, MO— The Lincoln cemetery was established in 1919 and more than 1,200 people are laid to rest there. It was listed as a historical site by the City of Springfield in 2006. Historically this cemetery was the only cemetery were African Americans could be buried during the days of

Movie Review-Double header…..Fences and Hidden Figures

by Lyle Foster, Unite Contributing Writer Well the new year is starting off with a great gift for movie fans and for those who just want to see a film every now and then these are two films to see.  So if this is a sign of what the new

Nonprofits and Churches Work Together

by Mark Dixon, Unite Guest Writer It’s no secret that both nonprofit community organizations and churches are in the business of helping people, but sometimes more can be done by working together than individually.  So when the Springfield Community Center approached the Bartley-Decatur Neighborhood Center, Springfield NAACP and Deliverance Temple

Movie Review: “Almost Christmas”

By Lyle Foster Unite Contributing Writer Well this movie is more testimony to the old adage that if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. I can’t be mad or jealous because Wil Packer is delivering money at the box office and laughs in the seats of movie theaters across the

5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mindset in 20 Minutes

by Susan C. Foster Success Magazine These tried and true tips will help you take on the day with confidence. Mindset is a set of attitudes, says Carol Dweck, a world-renowned Stanford psychologist, who discovered after years of research that dedication, hard work and resilience are much more important to

Annual Kwanzaa Celebration Dec 29 Creamery Center

Springfield, MO—After a two year absence, the Annual Kwanzaa Celebration is back!  This year’s program, sponsored by the Ladies Civic League, will feature individuals from the Springfield community singing, dancing and speaking about the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. There will also be the traditional food tasting exertion associated with resuming sexual activity

Intentional Inclusion Was The Topic At The 7th Annual MIB Awards Banquet

Springfield, MO— The 7th annual Minorities In Business Heritage Award Ceremony was held March 16th at the Doubletree Hotel. There were about 160 in attendance. A formal dinner was served, while smooth jazz music was performed by The Arthur Duncan Trio who set an elegant mood for the evening. Executive

Springfield NAACP collaborates with Unite News Publication to help local families

Springfield, MO— Cheryl Clay, President, NAACP Springfield Branch, and Samuel Knox, Co-founder and Managing Editor of Unite News Publication, are pleased to announce their new partnership, the “Be A Jewel” campaign, a corporate fundraising opportunity designed to assist the underserved in our community, with an emphasis on grandparents raising their

The Black Community and Crime

Walter E. Williams, Jan 11, 2017 The FBI reported that the total number of homicides in 2015 was 15,696. Blacks were about 52 percent of homicide victims. That means about 8,100 black lives were ended violently, and over 90 percent of the time, the perpetrator was another black. Listening to

$20,000 Needed to build fence around Lincoln Cemetery

Springfield, MO— The Lincoln cemetery was established in 1919 and more than 1,200 people are laid to rest there. It was listed as a historical site by the City of Springfield in 2006. Historically this cemetery was the only cemetery were African Americans could be buried during the days of

Movie Review-Double header…..Fences and Hidden Figures

by Lyle Foster, Unite Contributing Writer Well the new year is starting off with a great gift for movie fans and for those who just want to see a film every now and then these are two films to see.  So if this is a sign of what the new

Nonprofits and Churches Work Together

by Mark Dixon, Unite Guest Writer It’s no secret that both nonprofit community organizations and churches are in the business of helping people, but sometimes more can be done by working together than individually.  So when the Springfield Community Center approached the Bartley-Decatur Neighborhood Center, Springfield NAACP and Deliverance Temple

Movie Review: “Almost Christmas”

By Lyle Foster Unite Contributing Writer Well this movie is more testimony to the old adage that if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. I can’t be mad or jealous because Wil Packer is delivering money at the box office and laughs in the seats of movie theaters across the

5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mindset in 20 Minutes

by Susan C. Foster Success Magazine These tried and true tips will help you take on the day with confidence. Mindset is a set of attitudes, says Carol Dweck, a world-renowned Stanford psychologist, who discovered after years of research that dedication, hard work and resilience are much more important to

Annual Kwanzaa Celebration Dec 29 Creamery Center

Springfield, MO—After a two year absence, the Annual Kwanzaa Celebration is back!  This year’s program, sponsored by the Ladies Civic League, will feature individuals from the Springfield community singing, dancing and speaking about the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. There will also be the traditional food tasting exertion associated with resuming sexual activity