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Omega Nu Omega Chapter provide hygiene products to girls in the Springfield area

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L to R: Tujuania Reese, Omega Nu Omega Chapter President, Lee Ann Neill, Director of Health Services for SPS and Dr. Grenita Lathan, Superintendent of Springfield Public Schools

Springfield, MO—The Omega Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® is improving the lives of menstruators one period at a time in the Springfield, MO community. By increasing local awareness of period poverty and delivering menstrual hygiene products to women and girls in the Springfield area, they are replacing period poverty and shame with dignity.
On February 25, 2023, the Omega Nu Omega Chapter donated feminine hygiene products to middle school girls in the Springfield Public School (SPS) District. The donations were accepted by Mrs. Lee Ann Neill, Director of Health Services for SPS. Omega Nu Omega’s donations will continue throughout the next 4 years to various schools and charities in the Springfield area.
Nationally, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®., is a part of a worldwide movement that is facilitating better access to menstrual hygiene products. The aim is to help women and girls in need and raise awareness of period poverty around the country.
The Omega Nu Omega Chapter was chartered on December 10, 2016 by 19 women from different parts of the Mid-Western Region. Today, they are still going strong with 19 members. Led by President Tujuania Reese and Vice President Grenita Lathan, members of Omega Nu Omega have supplied clothing, eyeglasses, cleaning supplies, linens, food, and monetary donations to various not-for-profit organizations and charities in Springfield, MO. Per the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® motto, Omega Nu Omega will continue to be of “service to all mankind” in the Springfield community and beyond.

by Dr. Grenita F. Lathan,
Superintendent of Springfield Public Schools

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