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OTC student to lead peer-to-peer mentoring program with B2B

Springfield, MO—OTC student Javeon England is stepping into an important role this semester. The 20-year-old business and marketing major has been named the president of Brother 2 Brother (B2B), a “near-peer” mentoring program that strives to improve college retention and graduation rates among minority students.
The 20+ member group is comprised of young men from Springfield’s colleges and high schools. The students meet twice a month to discuss their personal and academic goals

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. Javeon says the meetings help the group come up with a game plan to tackle the semester ahead.
“We’ll schedule study groups and community service projects,” Javeon said. “We also talk about different ways we can build our resumes, apply for jobs and prepare for interviews.”
Greyson Foresee, an OTC employee and coordinator of the mentoring group, says Brother 2 Brother has become a “safety network” for its members to ask questions and seek out help. Many of the young men prefer to ask their peers for assistance and guidance rather than strangers.

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