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Resolving Financial Issues Can Help Ease Health Issues

by Christella Payne,

Unite Guest Writer

Springfield, MO—Born in Kenya and now a proud resident of Springfield, Celestine Copeland has high hopes of being the change that she wants to see in southwest Missouri. With a

degree in Nutritional Science with an emphasis in Dietetics from Rutgers University, Ms. Copeland has seen much success in the form of Dietetic Internships with the State

of Missouri Department of Health and Seniors Services. She has even been featured in a core Nutritional Sciences textbook, “Community Nutrition in Action: An

Entrepreneurial Approach”, written by Marie A Boyle and David H. Holben.

Celestine Copeland now serves as a financial representative of Northwestern Mutual. It is there that Ms

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. Copeland hopes to help minorities who have been adversely impacted in the areas of health and finance. I’m sure you’re curious as to what prompted my career change. In my opinion, the work I do now isn’t very different from what I was doing before. The end goal remains the same. Finances or the lack of management, is easily the biggest cause of stress in many people which has then been linked to the leading causes of death. My reasoning is simple; if I can help solve financial problems it will naturally lead to better health. As a Financial Representative, Ms. Copeland and her team collaborate with their customers and concentrate on ideas that will help make their aspirations a reality. Their team uses a refreshing strategy that helps customers prepare to accumulate, protect income, and expand assets effectively while mitigating the effect of taxes over time. Ms. Copeland maintains a positive attitude and believes that the key to success lies in resolving issues to better overall health. As a dietitian, Ms. Copeland has learned many things but the one thing that has always stuck with her is the idea that some of the barriers to making better choices boil down to money. For info call: 417-877-4428 or (

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