Dear Readers,
This month my Autism article is going to look a little bit different. This is new territory for all of us and we’re all trying to get through in our own ways
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If you haven’t already joined the Facebook group for local Greene County Moms, please do so! I promise this resource is so helpful!
Facebook Group: M.O.C.H.A (Moms of Children who have Autism)
Social Stories help put things into perspective that might be hard to explain. I know my son clutches to new stories and reads them over and over again. That being said, he’s a social story written about the Coronavirus:
Another good thing to work on is Social-Emotional Learning. Here’s a website that lists over 100+ resources that talk about things like self-management, coping strategies, etc.
Making sure that you have an established routine will help everyone get through this time, also make sure that you are taking the time for yourself for a break, build this into your schedule. You don’t have to be the only one teaching your child during this time; there are plenty of resources online (especially through social media) that are giving children lesson time hours during the day. Joining this Facebook group has helped me to find some of these resources to build into our own schedule: https://www.facebook.com/groups/445786889466638/. Make sure you put your schedule on the wall and if your child can check off their list that is helpful as well.
April is Autism Awareness month. I’m sure there will be even more resources posted online in the days to come. Box breathing is a great technique to help if you’re feeling overwhelmed. You’ve got this! It’s only for a short period of time and we’re all in it together!