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Springfield NAACP recognizes five at 2019 Awards Banquet

Rod Pikett and Toni Robinson

Springfield Missouri – The Springfield Branch NAACP hosted its annual Freedom Fund and Awards Banquet, October 19th at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center with nearly 200 guests in attendance. The event is the chapter’s annual fundraiser. While the banquet is used to support the local chapter, it also recognizes those who have partnered with the local chapter to make the community a better place

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. The theme was, “This Is What Community Looks Like.” The keynote speaker was Justice Gatson, founder of Reale Justice Network.

Awards were presented to Rod Pickett, Blu Styles Barbershop, Myrlie Evers-Williams Business Partner; Kaijuanda Sutton, Community Service Award; Monica Horton, Roy Wilkins Educational Award; Dominic Thomas, The Marley Dias Gets It Done Award. The NAACP Drum Major Award went to Kendra Chappell & The Milly Project; Special Honors went to Cheryl Clay and Carolyn Hembree. 2018-19 Scholarship Recipients were Destinee King, NAACP Health Field Scholarship; Gakia Patterson, Glendale High School, Jacquelin Waugh Foster; and Mariah Oke-Thomas, Central High School, NAACP Youth Scholarship.

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