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Author: Christopher Palma

Reimagining Productivity in a World That Got It Wrong

If you were on a beach vacation in Hawaii, where the only sound you heard was the waves gently lapping on the shoreline, what would you be thinking? I can’t wait to get in the water! I wonder if I’ll see a dolphin today? Why am I lying on this

Why Working at a Cemetery Was the Best Career Move I Ever Made

It’s easy to feel like every job you take needs to somehow advance your career in a meaningful, direct way, but there’s something to be said for the “weird job.”  You know the one. The type of job that leaves you with a thousand good stories and inspires just as

What Every Business Can Learn From the Cruise Industry Comeback

While countless sectors battle economic turbulence, the maritime vacation industry has engineered a stunning revival. The proof lies in the statistics: Maritime leisure bookings during the first quarter of 2024 surpassed 2019 levels by 16%, with the sector setting spending records on nine separate occasions in 2024, according to the

How to ‘Invest Like a Girl’

Jessica Spangler, Pharm. D., started making clever money literacy videos during COVID-19’s delta wave in 2021. She was working as a pharmacist in the emergency room of a New England hospital, and during rounds, patients would say to her, “If I make it out of here, I have no idea

A Wary Gen Z Doesn’t Want To Boss People Around

A new term is bubbling up in corporate America called “conscious unbossing”—a Gen Z phrase that implies younger workers are reluctant to accept a promotion, primarily due to the expected high-stress levels of becoming a boss. The syndrome is evidently impacting young Americans’ professional careers and the companies that need

Apple Introduces New iMac Featuring M4 Chip and Apple Intelligence

Apple has unveiled its groundbreaking Apple Intelligence platform to the public, extending its reach across the iPhone, iPad and Mac, and debuting the software with a new sleek, ultra-thin iMac model—the first to feature integrated AI powered by the latest M4 chip. This refresh includes vibrant new color options and

From the Beauty Counter to the Front Office

Mario Badescu occupies a niche unlike almost any other in the skin care market. It’s a legacy brand, founded in the 1960s by the Romanian immigrant whose name it bears, and its lengthy list of celebrity clients includes Martha Stewart, Heidi Klum and Jennifer Aniston. But here, legacy is not