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Author: Christopher Palma

A Wary Gen Z Doesn’t Want To Boss People Around

A new term is bubbling up in corporate America called “conscious unbossing”—a Gen Z phrase that implies younger workers are reluctant to accept a promotion, primarily due to the expected high-stress levels of becoming a boss. The syndrome is evidently impacting young Americans’ professional careers and the companies that need

Apple Introduces New iMac Featuring M4 Chip and Apple Intelligence

Apple has unveiled its groundbreaking Apple Intelligence platform to the public, extending its reach across the iPhone, iPad and Mac, and debuting the software with a new sleek, ultra-thin iMac model—the first to feature integrated AI powered by the latest M4 chip. This refresh includes vibrant new color options and

From the Beauty Counter to the Front Office

Mario Badescu occupies a niche unlike almost any other in the skin care market. It’s a legacy brand, founded in the 1960s by the Romanian immigrant whose name it bears, and its lengthy list of celebrity clients includes Martha Stewart, Heidi Klum and Jennifer Aniston. But here, legacy is not

Kate Kennedy Fosters Connection Through Authenticity

Chicago-based entrepreneur, author and podcast host Kate Kennedy did not set out to become an internet sensation, but when an Australian radio station shared her “turn off your straightener” doormat on their social media a decade ago, the post went viral. “I was in a very Pinterest-forward era where I

The Surprising Benefits of ‘That’s Not My Job’ in the Modern Workplace

“That’s not my job” has been a banned phrase in many workplaces, as companies tout the “all on the same team” mindset. Yet Harvard Business Review cites “workload” as one of the top six causes of burnout and emphasizes the importance of balancing rest, relaxation and workload as the key

40 Consistency Quotes to Help Kickstart Your Future

We’ve all heard the quote, “Consistency is key,” but, in reality, maintaining consistency is, ironically, a little hard to do. Whether it’s struggling to plan effectively, failing to implement long-term goals, or unsuccessfully keeping up with day-to-day tasks, inconsistency is a boldly unapologetic reminder of how we keep getting in

How Mindfulness Training Transformed Bourbon Expert Fred Minnick

Bourbon expert Fred Minnick is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author, entrepreneur, award-winning podcast host and founder of the American Spirits Council of Tasters. Yet 20 years ago, he was battling deep emotional scars and PTSD from his time in the Iraq War. He found healing using a newfound mindfulness

The Surprising Benefits of Communal Gardening

I cringe at my 5-year-old’s request to start a garden. The idea overwhelms me. We live in a desert city where the soil demands conditioning or needs to be replaced completely. Quality dirt isn’t cheap. Then there’s the issue of water. Will I be disciplined enough to water my plants