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Author: Christopher Palma

How to Ask For A Raise: Essential Strategies And Tips

A recent study conducted by Payscale found that only 37% of employees have ever asked for a raise. The main reason? Fear of rejection or discomfort with discussing money. When feelings like these cloud our sense of self-worth, we might undervalue what we earn. But asking for a raise is

Should You Buy Gold and Platinum Bars From Costco?

Amid the unstable economic climate, Costco has diversified its product lineup, giving shoppers the opportunity to purchase gold and platinum bars in addition to groceries and household items. And if the latest estimated sales figures are an accurate predictor, it seems the demand for these precious metals could soar even

How to Balance Your Work Life With University Study

As universities and colleges welcome new groups of students this fall, many professionals are embarking on a new challenge: balancing their existing work life with new study commitments. However, this is easier said than done. According to the U.K.’s Higher Education Statistics Agency, mature students are in decline, as are

How to Send Text Messages Via Satellite on Your Phone in Times of Calamity

After Hurricane Helene and with the landfall of Hurricane Milton, there’s no denying that the country’s telecommunications infrastructure is under strain. Traditional networks may be overloaded or knocked out entirely due to the cataclysm, making it difficult to carry out remote messaging. Fortunately, satellite messaging offers a vital alternative, allowing

Founder Mode or Manager Mode? How to Run a Successful Startup

According to data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, around 20% of small businesses will fail within their first year and 65% will fail by their 10th year. Starting and building a startup requires patience, consistency, money, courage, time and commitment. As one of the founders of Y Combinator (YC),

Meta’s Movie Gen May Be a Double-Edged Sword When It Comes to Content Creation

In a major development, Meta has announced the upcoming launch of a groundbreaking AI-powered video and editing tool for Reels that will revolutionize social media content creation and the future of digital communication—at least according to Mark Zuckerberg. Meta Movie Gen will allow users to create up to 16 seconds

3 Lessons Learned During My 2-Year Hiatus From Entrepreneurship

There is an old cliche that says, “Health is the ultimate wealth.” Like me, many have heard this and agreed with it, even if we let it go in one ear and out the other. I thrived off being the “it” person. I enjoyed others looking to me to be

How to Nail the Follow-Up With a Hiring Manager

I’ve been there. I applied for the job, nailed the interview and aced the written test that followed. After carefully crafting a thank-you note to the hiring manager, expressing my gratitude for their time and consideration, I felt confident that I had made a good impression. Then came the waiting