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Author: Christopher Palma

From Our CEO: 3 Professional Development Lessons From a Lifelong Journey

It is difficult to think of a time in my life where professional development was not at the forefront. It has been a constant driving force for my thought processes, the catalyst for my career growth and the inspiration for my leadership philosophy. From my very first internship to my

Want to Become a Mentor? Follow These 5 Steps

Take a few moments to think about the individuals who have had the biggest impact on your life. Most likely, these individuals consist of family members, teachers, a work supervisor and friends who served as mentors. A mentor is someone who offers support, gives advice and helps guide others through

Attention, Leaders: It’s Time to Rethink Employee Development

The work ecosystem we’re living in today looks far different from any other time in history. With hybrid teams replacing the in-office norm, evolving employee expectations and an ultracompetitive hiring environment, many forward-leaning executives and managers need to change the way they approach employee development. What is employee development? Employee

Giving Joy’s Micro Grants for Female Founders Are Making Macro Impacts

French social change-maker Charlotte Cotton celebrated International Women’s Day 2023 at the Alliance Française de Pondichéry in India. Her social organization Propolis’s “No More Taboo” program worked with 143 youth on using storytelling to empower themselves to respectfully discuss taboo topics such as gender equality, reproductive rights and violence against

10 Quotes from Fearless Woman to Inspire You This Women’s History Month

March is all about celebrating women—both the remarkable women before us who dared to challenge the status quo and the unapologetically fierce women of today. You don’t have to look far to see the trailblazers, rule breakers and game changers who aren’t afraid to use their voice to shape the

Should You Bring Your Whole Self to Work?

Bringing your “whole self” to work isn’t a new concept. Its origin dates back over 30 years as a means to improve employee engagement. The hope was that workers would begin to see their place of employment as more than a job where they clock in and out without any real

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci Explains How to Trust Your Gut—Literally

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci didn’t discover the powers of bone broth in a lab. She discovered it in life, by asking questions, learning lessons and mixing everything she knew into the very first batch of bone broth she made in her kitchen at home. That was almost 10 years ago, and

Bibliotherapy: Boost Well-being and Find Community With a Therapeutic Book Club

Millions of Americans participate in some type of book club, whether virtual or in-person. Book clubs come in all shapes and sizes. They can focus on fiction or nonfiction, have themes to guide book choices, and be organized through places like work, school, professional organizations, religious groups and libraries. Book