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Author: Christopher Palma

Why Volunteering in Your Community is Important

Why is volunteering and giving back to the community important? Simply put, volunteering your time and knowledge will benefit the organization and help make a positive impact in your community. Yet, without a monetary baseline to measure contributions, some may not bother to provide their time, while others may not

Want To Delegate Better? Try a Total Responsibility Transfer

You’ve heard you can’t do it all, but you sure do still try. Delegating is a bit of an art form, one that takes practice and persistence, boundaries and motivation. When it goes well, all is right in work-life balance. When it doesn’t, it can feel like one more disaster

Tips for Managing Politics In the Workplace During Election Season

If the thought of enduring another presidential election while managing politics in the workplace has you agitated, you aren’t alone. The Biden versus Trump campaign, subsequent years of political shenanigans and a pandemic to top it off were unsettling and maybe even traumatic for you. It may have even affected

Here’s How to Build—and Benefit from—Meaningful Workplace Friendships

Friendship is one of the essential building blocks for a high quality of life, so it’s not surprising that its influence extends into the workplace. Whether you find yourself working in an office setting or remotely, the power of forging workplace friendships can impact your job satisfaction and overall well-being.

8 Steps to Climb Your Way Up to the C-Suite

Many employees dream about climbing the corporate ladder. Suzanne Ogle thinks most people’s career paths look more like a jungle gym. “There isn’t usually a direct path from an entry-level position to the head of the company,” says Ogle, president and CEO of Southern Gas Association in Dallas. “You’ll need