Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative

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These 4 Mood Boosters Could Put Antidepressants Out of Business

The Minority/ Black Health Blog Depression is a brain disorder that causes people to be persistently in a depressed mood and is often accompanied by a loss of interest in activities. It’s not like just having a bad day; it causes significant impairment in daily activities. According to Dr. Joseph

Five hair products for African American hair

By Tyler Hatten Growing up, there were only a few good hair products for women of color. With more knowledge of coarse and curly hair, there are now tons of products which focus on growing and maintaining healthy hair. Dealing with our hair doesn’t have to be a hassle. Using

Take care of your mental health

By Tyler Hatten,  Unite Contributing Writer Springfield, MO— Spring is a time of development and cleansing. No, that doesn’t mean cleaning out your closet and developing a new wardrobe. The most important storage space you must clean is the mind. Anxiety and Depression Association of America states about 40 million

Inspirational Quotes For Moms and Their Daughters

Nationwide — It’s no secret that African American women love to read and hear inspirational and motivational quotes, especially when its coming from other influential African American women. Some of the best-selling books that African Americans read are books full of advice, counsel, life lessons, viewpoints, and solutions. Oprah Winfrey,

Make it a Better Doctor Visit

How many times have you been to the doctor’s office, been poked and prodded, leaving with a prescription, only to recall all of the  things you didn’t ask? Or maybe something the doctor said you did not quite understand? Next time, make the most of the visit with a few strategic tips.   

Are Black Women Avoiding Exercise To Maintain Hairstyles?

(Reuters Health) – A number of obstacles may stand between a person and exercise, and hairstyles may be one of them for African-American women, according to a new study. Researchers found about two of every five African-American women said they avoid exercise because of concerns about their hair, and researchers

Teaching youth about HIV/AIDS Awareness

By Beaunea McNeil, Unite Contributing Writer Since the early 1980s, the world has been plagued with a disease that seemingly came out of nowhere. The disease has killed millions but as time passes, it is obvious that it is more containable than it once was. The disease is no longer

These 4 Mood Boosters Could Put Antidepressants Out of Business

The Minority/ Black Health Blog Depression is a brain disorder that causes people to be persistently in a depressed mood and is often accompanied by a loss of interest in activities. It’s not like just having a bad day; it causes significant impairment in daily activities. According to Dr. Joseph

Five hair products for African American hair

By Tyler Hatten Growing up, there were only a few good hair products for women of color. With more knowledge of coarse and curly hair, there are now tons of products which focus on growing and maintaining healthy hair. Dealing with our hair doesn’t have to be a hassle. Using

Take care of your mental health

By Tyler Hatten,  Unite Contributing Writer Springfield, MO— Spring is a time of development and cleansing. No, that doesn’t mean cleaning out your closet and developing a new wardrobe. The most important storage space you must clean is the mind. Anxiety and Depression Association of America states about 40 million

Inspirational Quotes For Moms and Their Daughters

Nationwide — It’s no secret that African American women love to read and hear inspirational and motivational quotes, especially when its coming from other influential African American women. Some of the best-selling books that African Americans read are books full of advice, counsel, life lessons, viewpoints, and solutions. Oprah Winfrey,

Make it a Better Doctor Visit

How many times have you been to the doctor’s office, been poked and prodded, leaving with a prescription, only to recall all of the  things you didn’t ask? Or maybe something the doctor said you did not quite understand? Next time, make the most of the visit with a few strategic tips.   

Are Black Women Avoiding Exercise To Maintain Hairstyles?

(Reuters Health) – A number of obstacles may stand between a person and exercise, and hairstyles may be one of them for African-American women, according to a new study. Researchers found about two of every five African-American women said they avoid exercise because of concerns about their hair, and researchers

Teaching youth about HIV/AIDS Awareness

By Beaunea McNeil, Unite Contributing Writer Since the early 1980s, the world has been plagued with a disease that seemingly came out of nowhere. The disease has killed millions but as time passes, it is obvious that it is more containable than it once was. The disease is no longer