Register for our kickoff of the first phase of the SpringMo Black Wellness Initiative


How to Start a Nonprofit Organization In 5 Simple Steps

You recently started gathering food, toiletries and other basic necessities for local people in need. Friends and neighbors donated money and goods to your cause, and now you want to expand your efforts to include neighboring communities. Donors asked if they can deduct the cost of the donated items on

Harnessing the Power of Momentum to Achieve Your Goals

The work you put in toward your personal and professional growth and well-being is incredibly important in both the short- and long-term. Your determination to continue investing in your growth is truly inspirational! So let’s continue pushing your efforts into new territories by exploring a specific force together: the power

5 Best Relationship Podcasts for Work, Romance and Everything in Between

Your morning workout, a long drive and unloading the dishwasher—avid podcast listeners know these stretches of time are opportunities to fill your earbuds with everything from TV show recaps to daily news roundups. But podcasts can also allow you to listen and think about growing and deepening the relationships in

For Jamie Kern Lima, Unlocking Success Starts with Embracing Self-Worth

In a world inundated with self-help books and influencers posing as online therapists, Jamie Kern Lima is a beacon of authenticity and wisdom. Best known as a motivational speaker, author and personal development mentor, Lima is not just another success story; she is a testament to the transformative power of

Running My First Marathon Taught Me About The Power of Community

For most of my short running career, my running experiences had been solitary. While I’d heard other runners wax poetic about run clubs, I’d never joined one myself. Not only that, but I’d run less than a dozen runs with others. On all those solo runs, I ran mostly as

How to Start a Nonprofit Organization In 5 Simple Steps

You recently started gathering food, toiletries and other basic necessities for local people in need. Friends and neighbors donated money and goods to your cause, and now you want to expand your efforts to include neighboring communities. Donors asked if they can deduct the cost of the donated items on

Harnessing the Power of Momentum to Achieve Your Goals

The work you put in toward your personal and professional growth and well-being is incredibly important in both the short- and long-term. Your determination to continue investing in your growth is truly inspirational! So let’s continue pushing your efforts into new territories by exploring a specific force together: the power

5 Best Relationship Podcasts for Work, Romance and Everything in Between

Your morning workout, a long drive and unloading the dishwasher—avid podcast listeners know these stretches of time are opportunities to fill your earbuds with everything from TV show recaps to daily news roundups. But podcasts can also allow you to listen and think about growing and deepening the relationships in

For Jamie Kern Lima, Unlocking Success Starts with Embracing Self-Worth

In a world inundated with self-help books and influencers posing as online therapists, Jamie Kern Lima is a beacon of authenticity and wisdom. Best known as a motivational speaker, author and personal development mentor, Lima is not just another success story; she is a testament to the transformative power of

Running My First Marathon Taught Me About The Power of Community

For most of my short running career, my running experiences had been solitary. While I’d heard other runners wax poetic about run clubs, I’d never joined one myself. Not only that, but I’d run less than a dozen runs with others. On all those solo runs, I ran mostly as