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Why Telling My Friends to Get Out of My House Was a Total Game Changer

Where I’m from, the “Midwest goodbye” is taught to you from birth. It’s a carefully choreographed dance where a guest announces they’re leaving while inevitably staying another ten minutes to multiple hours. For the uninitiated, I’m told it can feel like you’ve landed on an alien planet of inefficiency, but

Amazon’s New AI Supercomputer Challenges Nvidia’s Dominance

Artificial intelligence has emerged as the cornerstone of Amazon’s ongoing evolution, with the tech giant unveiling a series of ambitious innovations over the past year. Among the most significant advances: the launch of a new large language model (LLM) for Alexa, the introduction of Amazon One, a biometric palm recognition

DISC Test Results Explained: What Your Score Says About You

Ever wonder how your personality affects the way you work and communicate with others? The DISC assessment, one of the world’s most widely used personality tests, offers helpful insights. DISC is an acronym for the four traits measured in the assessment—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness—which can influence behavior, communication style

How to Manage Stress at Work While Staying Calm and Productive

Work-related stress is an all-too-common struggle in today’s fast-paced world, affecting employees across every industry. According to the American Psychological Association, stress at work is linked to numerous health issues. Left unchecked, it can lead to anxiety, depression and serious conditions like heart disease and chronic illness. With constant deadlines,

Work-Life Balance: When Did Work and Life Start to Compete?

Imagine that you’ve lost everything in a nasty lawsuit. You go from working a great job and living in a nice house to biking to shifts at McDonald’s so your family, now living in a single-room mobile home, doesn’t starve. How would you feel? “If you could actually imagine that

Why a Successful Online Business Owner Opened a Storefront

London-based Whitney Bromberg Hawkings leveraged her longtime design experience at Gucci and Tom Ford to forge a path of her own, launching her posh global online flower business FLOWERBX in 2015.   Though the bespoke digital floral company quickly rose to prominence, serving clients like Dior, Louis Vuitton and Tiffany &

Oprah Winfrey launches ‘The Oprah Podcast’

NEW YORK (AP) — Oprah Winfrey has a new book club pick and a new platform to talk books and other topics of the day. On Tuesday, Winfrey launched “The Oprah Podcast,” a weekly series airing on her YouTube channel that will feature book club authors and guests ranging from “global newsmakers” to “cultural

Why Telling My Friends to Get Out of My House Was a Total Game Changer

Where I’m from, the “Midwest goodbye” is taught to you from birth. It’s a carefully choreographed dance where a guest announces they’re leaving while inevitably staying another ten minutes to multiple hours. For the uninitiated, I’m told it can feel like you’ve landed on an alien planet of inefficiency, but

Amazon’s New AI Supercomputer Challenges Nvidia’s Dominance

Artificial intelligence has emerged as the cornerstone of Amazon’s ongoing evolution, with the tech giant unveiling a series of ambitious innovations over the past year. Among the most significant advances: the launch of a new large language model (LLM) for Alexa, the introduction of Amazon One, a biometric palm recognition

DISC Test Results Explained: What Your Score Says About You

Ever wonder how your personality affects the way you work and communicate with others? The DISC assessment, one of the world’s most widely used personality tests, offers helpful insights. DISC is an acronym for the four traits measured in the assessment—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness—which can influence behavior, communication style

How to Manage Stress at Work While Staying Calm and Productive

Work-related stress is an all-too-common struggle in today’s fast-paced world, affecting employees across every industry. According to the American Psychological Association, stress at work is linked to numerous health issues. Left unchecked, it can lead to anxiety, depression and serious conditions like heart disease and chronic illness. With constant deadlines,

Work-Life Balance: When Did Work and Life Start to Compete?

Imagine that you’ve lost everything in a nasty lawsuit. You go from working a great job and living in a nice house to biking to shifts at McDonald’s so your family, now living in a single-room mobile home, doesn’t starve. How would you feel? “If you could actually imagine that

Why a Successful Online Business Owner Opened a Storefront

London-based Whitney Bromberg Hawkings leveraged her longtime design experience at Gucci and Tom Ford to forge a path of her own, launching her posh global online flower business FLOWERBX in 2015.   Though the bespoke digital floral company quickly rose to prominence, serving clients like Dior, Louis Vuitton and Tiffany &

Oprah Winfrey launches ‘The Oprah Podcast’

NEW YORK (AP) — Oprah Winfrey has a new book club pick and a new platform to talk books and other topics of the day. On Tuesday, Winfrey launched “The Oprah Podcast,” a weekly series airing on her YouTube channel that will feature book club authors and guests ranging from “global newsmakers” to “cultural