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Author: Christopher Palma

The Cognitive Scientist’s Handbook to Working an Optimal Day

What does your average workday look like? Is it spent jumping from one task to the next? Are your only breaks from the computer trips to the coffeepot? Does one day differ from the next? If so, do you think that aiming for a structured, optimized workday is a fantastical

6 Ways to Stay Focused at Work During a Difficult Life Change

After my second baby was born sick and diagnosed with multiple disabilities, I spent the summer after his birth in the NICU. Eventually, he was discharged from the hospital and I went back to work. I wanted to be at work. But once I got there, I struggled to focus.

Why Erin Diehl Is Comfortable Embracing Failure (And You Should Be Too)

Erin Diehl is on a mission to share a simple message: Failure is OK.  Letting go of your perfectionist tendencies and feeling free to make mistakes can help you innovate and ultimately achieve more success and happiness. If even a few people in an audience of hundreds walk away from

5 Productivity Products and Services to Boost Company Morale

Whether you are headed back to the office after three remote years, or haven’t thought twice about purchasing new productivity products and services for the offuce while braving rocky financial situations, it’s time.  Businesses have had an eye on improving products meant to help make life as a business owner

Defining Your Purpose: How Living with Intention Helps Your Life and Career

In a world where personal growth and transformation have become an integral part of our lives, the search for effective tools to survive and thrive has become a priority. Moreover, as journalists and content creators, it is our responsibility to provide inspiration and guidance to readers on how to lead

Meeting Your True Potential: What Is Personal Development?

Personal development serves as the foundation for lifelong success and fulfillment. It offers a blueprint for individuals to unleash their true potential through individual empowerment, leading to a more purposeful and enriched existence. What is personal development? Personal development refers to the lifelong process of increasing self-awareness, acquiring new skills

Marathon Training Also Trained My Stress Tolerance—Here’s How

At the beginning of the year, the thought of completing a marathon was completely out of the question for me. Who would torment themselves like that? Only about 0.17 percent of the population, apparently. And let’s not forget the legend of where the marathon came from: the Greek messenger Pheidippides,