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Author: Christopher Palma

How to Develop Effective Leadership Qualities & Become An Inspiring Leader

Whether at home or in the workplace, leaders aim to help those around them achieve more than they could alone. Part of becoming a more effective leader is continuously developing to grow yourself and your team. If that sounds daunting, don’t worry. There are a number of tried-and-true strategies and

“When One Door Closes, One Door Opens” Quotes for a Positive Outlook

Life throws lemons at us in myriad ways. Failing an exam at school, being let down by a dream college or employer, losing a precious relationship—the list never ends. Such difficulties might feel like doors closing in your face, leaving you stuck and lost. During such moments, it often helps

AI Has 89% of U.S. Workers Concerned About Their Job Security

While AI has improved countless aspects of our modern everyday life, its growing presence in professional industries has ignited fears about automation’s long-term impact on human employment. “Job security is no longer an abstract concern,” says career expert Keith Spencer in a newly released 2025 AI Disruption Report from Resume

How to Organize Your Office & Life For Peak Productivity

Organization comes more naturally to some compared to others. For example, some of us kept our room and belongings in tip-top shape growing up. You know, the “There’s a place for everything and everything’s in its place” kind of people. Then, there are the others who had a habit of

Use These Strategies to Build a Life That Matches Your Values

Recently, I confessed to my therapist that I was being haunted by the “Chicken-Finger Billionaire.” Todd Graves built his Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers empire working seven days a week from opening at 8 a.m. through closing at 3:30 a.m. the next day, seeing his children only when his wife brought

Should You Have Favorites On Your Team? Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky Thinks So

You’ve most likely rented a space on Airbnb. Since its founding in 2007, the accommodations platform has “grown to over 5 million hosts who have welcomed over 2 billion guest arrivals in almost every country across the globe.” Additionally, Airbnb employs around 7,000 people. Airbnb CEO and cofounder Brian Chesky

Soul Searching: A Roundup of Resources for Communication and Collaboration

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is about understanding emotions—both your own and those of people around you. It’s the ability to recognize your emotions, manage your reactions and understand how others are feeling. It also includes characteristics like empathy and self-control. People with high EQ are often skilled at staying calm under